Reinvent the Wheel

#design #opinion

Ever come across the saying, "Don't reinvent the wheel"? Or been cautioned in software debates, "If you don't adopt X, you'll wind up creating X"?

Allow me to share my perspectives:

  1. Had the creator of X adhered to this rule, X would never have come to life.
  2. To truly grasp the necessity of X, one must first walk in the shoes of its builder.
  3. A great way to hone your skills around X is to build X from scratch.
  4. Sometimes, the thrill lies in reinventing the wheel itself.

While it's crucial not to squander energy duplicating others' achievements, your unique solution to an recurring problem deserves to be shared. So go ahead, ignore that "conventional wisdom", reinvent that wheel, and show the world how you make it spin! 💫